Introducing The Connor Brothers


Experience the captivating world of The Connor Brothers at Beyond Boundaries, a must–see exhibition in partnership with Maddox Gallery.

The Connor Brothers, the pseudonymous pair known for their penetrating explorations of contemporary culture through art, are featured at the Beyond Boundaries exhibition at 125 Space, running until the end of August. The artists, originally introduced as Franklyn and Brendan Connor, claimed to be American twins who escaped an extreme Christian cult in California. This fabricated backstory created a mystique that captivated the art world when they debuted in 2013. A year later, the duo revealed their true identities: they were not brothers but British art dealers James Golding and Mike Snelle, who used their alter egos to critique and observe the art world from a unique vantage point.

Their work, known for its blend of dark humor and sharp wit, builds on the success of their graphic novel series and ventures further with the stylistically revolutionary and philosophically radical Regression series. This series, developed during a period of deep introspection prompted by the pandemic, features imagery and themes that resonate with the raw, primal aspects of human nature, symbolized by prehistoric epochs and dinosaurs.

The Connor Brothers, I Don’t Want To Go To Heaver

The Connor Brothers’ art is a contemporary continuation of the legacies of Cy Twombly and Jean Dubuffet, infused with modern narratives that challenge viewers' perceptions of art and authenticity. The 'Regression' series, in particular, reflects a profound exploration of human fears and societal constructs, inviting viewers to confront these themes head-on.

At the Beyond Boundaries exhibition, art enthusiasts are presented with an opportunity to delve into the complex narrative and artistic expressions of The Connor Brothers. Their works are not only available for viewing but also for purchase. Attendees are encouraged to download the exhibition catalogue to explore the full range of artworks available. In partnership with Maddox Gallery, this exhibition offers a unique chance to engage with the challenging and evocative creations of The Connor Brothers before it concludes at the end of August.


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